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Request Relocation Information

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There are many reasons why people are leaving California, and we understand. Perhaps you are looking to save on living costs or taxes, or concerned about politics or natural disasters. Regardless of your reason, you don’t have to embark on this journey alone.

Dean Powell is the realtor your area trusts for professional Relocation Concierge services. We stand by your side at every stage of your move, with:

Departure Services:


From home price valuation to pre-sale improvement management, staging recommendations, professional photography, and beyond, we do it all. We’ll even get your existing home seen online across all relevant social media channels, coupled with today’s most effective marketing services. Dean will also manage all home showings, assist with handling offers, and make every transaction smooth from start to finish.


Destination Services:


Dean help his clients focus on their big move, while he provides crucial area, lifestyle, and pre-decision counseling. With additional mortgage pre-approval assistance, negotiations, and of course, finding the perfect purchase or rental opportunity. From there Dean has a network of agents across the country with experience relocating clients into their new perfect neighborhood.

Tips to Improve Relocation
  • Research cities - Some relocate for a new job or to be near family. Others simply leave the Bay Area wanting to improve their quality of life. If you can choose your destination, consider a wide variety of factors such as taxes, health system, schools, weather, diversity, culture, proximity to dear ones, and the job market.

  • Find a neighborhood - Once the general area has been chosen, make a list of your priorities such as schools, recreation, safety, cost of living, and commute. When you have a pretty good idea of what you’re looking for, you can narrow down your search to house type, size, and amenities.

  • Tour the area - There is a limit to what you can learn about a place from online research. In order to really determine if an area is right for you and your family, you need to visit it. Spending on visits will be well worth it. A dedicated relocation Realtor will help you be better informed.

  • Ask the locals - One of the best ways to get to know an area is to seek locals’ advice! While you are visiting, take some time to meet up with anyone you know who lives in the area, start networking, hire a local real estate agent to provide a wider perspective.

  • Secure a job - Are your skills, service, profession or business needed in the new area? Make sure you will be able to thrive in your career before making the move. If you are starting with a new employer, an offer letter might be required to qualify for a loan.

  • It’s decision time - After researching opportunities, if you decided to move, make a plan for your departure and evaluate options in regard to your current home. Will you rent it out, sell it, or just keep it vacant? I am happy to assist you in this evaluation.

  • Get pre-approved - If you are planning to purchase a home, it is best to get pre-approved for a loan before you start looking. This way, you know exactly what price range you can afford. I can help you find a lender who is licensed in your destination state.

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  • Look at houses - After considering your priorities, your must- haves and deal breakers, start looking at homes online and evaluate with your real estate agent. Reviewing the market regularly will ensure you are not missing out on a good home. Coordinate virtual tours with your Realtor as well as in-person tours whenever possible.

  • Support children - If moving with children, consider at what point in the process they should be included and give them time to adjust. Let friends, family, and neighbors know you are moving. Make sure to ask the new school for a list of any textbooks and supplies. Sign kids up for extracurricular activities in the new location.

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  • ​Pack and move - Will you be driving across the country in a huge truck of your belongings or will you hire movers to carry the load? If the latter, work with a reputable moving company to help bring everything safely to your new home. Make sure to pack a suitcase with at least one week’s worth of essentials.


Moving can be stressful for us, but what about our pets that depend on stability and familiarity! They can get stressed out with unexpected activity such as packing and moving furniture around. Even when they are introduced to a new home, it can make them anxious. 

  • Prepare an Overnight Pet Kit

  • Contact Your Vet for Your Pet’s Records

  • Keep Your Pets Away from the Action

  • Take Your Pet in Your Vehicle

  • Keep Your Pet Secluded from the Action

  • On Arrival Set Up Your Pet’s Bed and Food Dishes

  • Give Them Lots of Attention and Love

  • Update their Tags and Microchip Info

  • Make it official - Contact the state’s DMV to issue a local driver’s license and register your car. Find information on the various ways to establish legal domicile in your new state. If you have a pet, you may need to register your furball with your city or county. Set up mail forwarding with USPS, and register to vote.

  • Get plugged in - Community can help make the new place home. If you do not know anyone in the new area, be sure to get plugged into groups that make it easier to build relationships such as a volunteer organization, school committee, worship community, or a hobby group.

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DRE #02108792


With these helpful tips, you can make the transition from one area to another, whether its 20 miles or 2,000 miles away. Dean and his network are here to help you make your next move a smooth journey and take some of the stress out of your day.

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